
Laser removal of brown spots or hyperpigmentation

There's an easy way to get rid of unattractive age spots and sun damage that appears on your skin over time. Choose photorejuvenation for age spots and sun damage-and clear away skin discoloration and unwanted pigment to reveal more beautiful skin.

Photorejuvenation is an advanced treatment for sun damage and age spots. It delivers visible results faster than you've ever dreamed. It's a powerful  treatment alternative to microdermabrasion and chemical peels.

View age spot and sun damage treatment before and after

hyperpigmentation treatment beforehyperpigmentation treatment after

And it's ideal for reducing the appearance of dark spots and pigment on your face and body, including:

Why is photorejuvenation best for removing age spots and sun damage?

Photorejuvenation is a non-surgical approach for treating age spots and sun damage, using powerful light-based technology to target unwanted pigment without harming surrounding skin. In just a few simple treatment sessions, pigment appears lighter and your skin looks clearer and younger. Photorejuvenation is a great way to reduce the signs of aging on your hands and face.

Reduce dark spots and skin discoloration with a treatment that takes just minutes

Photorejuvenation works fast to fade age spots and sun damage. Treatment sessions take just minutes, so you can resume your busy life. 

Photorejuvenation may be more affordable than you think. Locate a provider to learn more about treatment options and how much it costs.

Trust photorejuvenation for:

How does photorejuvenation work?

Photorejuvenation treats age spots and sun damage by using an optimized light device to deliver light energy to your skin which is selectively absorbed by the unwanted pigment and then cleared away by your body.

Get a skin rejuvenation treatment plan for your age spots and sun damage.
Find a provider in your area who specializes in pigment removal.

Answers to common questions about photorejuvenation:

What types of pigment can be treated?

Photorejuvenation  is appropriate for treating age spots, sun damage and freckles on the face, neck, chest, arms, hands, legs and feet.

Am I a good candidate for this procedure?

Photorejuvenation works on a variety of skin types.  Contact a provider to find out if you are a good candidate for this treatment.

What kinds of results can I expect?

You can expect to see a decrease in the appearance of unwanted skin pigment for a more even skin tone.

How long does it take?

The procedure can be performed in as little as 30 minutes, depending on the size of the treatment area.

Does it hurt?

Most people feel minimal discomfort during photorejuvenation. Your provider can discuss pain management options with you.

How many treatments will I need?

Multiple treatments may be needed; depending on the severity of your pigment, several treatments may be necessary to achieve the best results. After treatment, the pigment will temporarily darken then will slough away revealing your clear skin.

How quickly will I recover?

Most people resume regular activities immediately following the treatment session.

Are there any side effects?

Typical side effects of photorejuvenation include temporary darkening of the unwanted pigment, redness, as well as itching and swelling at the treatment site, which should last a few days or longer.